The Worlds' Smartest Lifestyle Card Games

Desire Pearl Nov 2021

Posted by Sexy Success Stories on

It was a rainy day at Desire Pearl in November.  What are you going to do on a rainy day?  Well, why not knock on your neighbors door and ask if they would like to play a sexy card game?  This is exactly what we did.  We had already called our Lifestyle best friends to come over and play "What's Your Thing?" with us, and we got our sexy neighbors to join us as well!  How did it turn out?   Read On!

Since this was the first time playing the game we quickly all agreed we would each draw a card, answer the sexy question, and then go around in a circle and everyone answer. The sexiest or best answer would get the card (and the points)... and at the end, the person with the most points would 'win'.  Needless to say, everyone won!  After about 45minutes of insane laughter and deep very meaningful answers, we all agreed that one of the gentlemen was the winner... why? He won the most cards because his answers were actually very sensitive, not quite as funny as my own answers.  Sometimes sensitive wins!

In this case, the rain parted, the sun came out, and we all decided to go back out to the naked hot tub at Desire. 

Now that's a sexy success!



As with all our Sexy Success Stories, this story is either a user submitted story or a story from the creators of the game (including various members of the WeGottaThing Community).  Either way, it is a 100% true story.  

Got your own sexy success story?  Email it to us and we'll publish it here for you (anonymously of course):