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A Successful Lifestyle Game On Our Couch

Posted by Sexy Success Stories on

A few weeks ago we met this wonderful young couple, brand new to the lifestyle. Over dinner we opened up our "What's Your Thing?" game and asked a few level 1 questions to get the conversation started.  It went well and we agreed to meet again a few weeks later.

Last weekend, we met this couple again, this time at our home.  As soon as we sat down on the couch, the gentleman of the couple said:

"Ok, bring out the card game.  I really like the conversation it gets going."

While we aren't going to share the rest of this story, I am writing to say thank you for making such a great game.  Not only do we endorse it now, so do our new friends!



Funny postscript: 

The day after we played the game, we accidently left the cards out on the couch!  Luckily they are actually just a silly deck of poker cards, so we could play it off as a gag gift when our grown children and grandchildren came over. Needless to say, we'll be sure to put them away next time!


As with all our Sexy Success Stories, this story is either a user submitted story or a story from the creators of the game (including various members of the WeGottaThing Community).  Either way, it is a 100% true story.  

Got your own sexy success story?  Email it to us and we'll publish it here for you (anonymously of course): help@justyourtip.com