The Worlds' Smartest Lifestyle Card Games

Success! Selected for the r/Swingers wiki Suggested Icebreaker Games

Posted by Sexy Success Stories on

Well, this story isn't really about swinger success, per say... It is about swinger business success though.  Our game Just Your Tip - Classic Edition was selected by the moderators of r/Swingers on reddit for their excellent Swinging Lifestyle Wiki page!  We are so proud and honored to be shown next to the excellent game Coupleicious (which we own and enjoy).

Thanks r/Swingers!


As with all our Sexy Success Stories, this story is either a user submitted story or a story from the creators of the game (including various members of the WeGottaThing Community).  Either way, it is a 100% true story.  

Got your own sexy success story?  Email it to us and we'll publish it here for you (anonymously of course):